Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Shared Google Drive Team Project Part 1

From left to right  Anthony, Josh, Ajee(me) and Nicky.

The first team meeting went great. We all jumped right in to the shared assignments. Coming up with a team name and creating the blog post helped us get to know each other and see our different personalities. I cant wait to see what we have in store for the rest of the semester ! 

Team Presentation Plan

1.  Chapter: 2 CMC, Diffusion and Social Theories
2.  Team Members: Nicky Midy, Ajee, Josh, Anthony
3.  Responsibility of each member in planning and creating
    Nicky: identity, internet history, social network site definitions  
    Ajee: interaction, community
    Josh:diffusion of new ideas, uses and gratifications
    Anthony:online culture and power CMC and social media
4.  Timeline: NOW
5.  Presentation roles
    Nicky: Shared powerpoint, first three blocks of chapter, video and picture.
    Ajee: last presenter, rest of blocks not covered, video and picture.
    Josh: 2nd presenter. Next 2 blocks, questions, graphs, video and picture
    Anthony: 3rd presenter, 2 blocks about CMC communication and meme, question
6.  Self-Assessment Plan:
During the presentation I presented two sections of chapter two Interaction and Community. I thoroughly explained each slide and provided examples, questions, graphs and images that relate to the sections I was assigned. I feel as though the presentation went smoothly and each slide represented the material I was assigned thoroughly and efficiently.

7.  Trouble-shooting for potential problems.
Problems during the presentation were the computer would not connect and we had to switch class rooms multiple of times eventually we were able to present in another class room.